From the whimsical, magical, exuberant imagination of childhood C.B. Smith has compiled four notable stories into this one collection. He assures us that these tales are so easy even an adult can understand them.
The Spaghetti Hair of Charlie O'Dare
Charlie was a round faced boy with wide blue-green eyes and orange hair of spaghetti. At least it LOOKED like spaghetti. All the kids at school said so. Even his teacher, Miss Grackle. “Please get that spaghetti hair out of your face, Charlie O'Dare.”
Every morning his mother combed it first to one side, then the other, each time throwing up her hands and saying, “I don't know WHAT to do with your hair, Charlie.”
Even when his parents cut his hair shorter, it grew back instantly so he always had a head full of thick and wild spaghetti hair. His father said, "Just cut it off. Make him a fuzz head."
Charlie didn't like the idea of cutting his hair entirely off. Sure it was a problem to control. But still, it was HIS hair and he kinda liked it just the way it was.
Anyway, his parents made him a fuzz head and his hair grew back right away. Not knowing what else to do, his parents took him to a hair doctor.
“The boy needs more vegetables in his diet,” he said. “Put him on a broccoli diet.”
This his parents did and Charlie didn't mind the broccoli too much. Especially when his mother coated it with melted butter.
After one week his mother cut his hair short to see if this new diet was working. His hair grew back quick as always. Only this time it was GREEN!
So back to the doctor they went. The doctor scratched at his bald head in amazement. “I don't believe it,” he said. “Never have I seen such a thing. Put him on a rhubarb diet instead.”
On the rhubarb diet he went and within a week his hair changed color to blazing red, like an apple. Back to the doctor he went.
Then the diet games began:
Cauliflower: white hair.
Potatoes: brown hair.
Eggplant: purple hair.
Yams: yellow hair
Radishes: red hair
Turnips: pink hair
After so many changes in diet, Charlie's hair not only changed color every time but did not grow any less. His parents decided to put him on a carrot diet to get his hair back to its original color. Then they went to see a different doctor.