Whether or not it actually exists, The Loch Ness Monster is certainly alive and well on the Internet.
This book, by no means includes all the websites that refer to The Loch Ness Monster that you might find. For one thing, there are too many of them. For another, they, like much else on the Internet, are constantly changing. Always, new sites are appearing and old ones disappearing into the lost lands of cyberspace. As information and ideas change the websites are changed to reflect what the owner considers to be the most up-to-date information which supports his/her view. Rarely do they add information which might count against their point-of-view. Just like the rest of the Internet, really.
In presenting the sites in this book I have not argued one way nor the other, neither for nor against the existence of Nessie. This book is not a presentation of my opinion, nor the arguments for or against her existence. It is just a source book from which you might start if you wish to know more about Nessie. It's up to you to make up your own mind.
Although, of course, I do have my own opinion on the beastie's existence, I have tried not to let that colour my choice of sites. My choice was largely random although I have tried to treat the 'for' and 'against' sites fairly equally. Hopefully, I have chosen enough variation from the 'pros' and the 'cons' to show you some representative sites from what is available.
Of necessity, due to various copyright conditions, I had to rewrite the text from the web sites in my own words. For similar reasons I did not include photographs in my accounts. I tried my best to follow the owner's aims and present his/her message as it appeared on the web site. I have given you a link to the original so that you can check on me and also look at the photographs used on the site. It's now up to you.
Does The Loch Ness Monster really exist? Or not?
Read the book and check the sites and make up your own mind.