Sometimes life really sucks. Or so it seems. Yet Unikonics asserts that life is automatically enjoyed. It explains what is really going on when life seems to stink like a garbage pit. It will point you to the true source of the odor.
Unikonics teaches that life is change, and the more unique the change, the more life you experience. This “uniqueness” is where the term “Unikonics” is derived. Unikonics teaches that change produces pleasure, and therefore the most unique changes produce the most pleasure. They help you get the most life out of life.
So if your house catches on fire, that’s quite a unique change for you. How in the heck can that produce pleasure? No, you’ll likely feel pain, anguish, worry, and all kinds of other horrible emotions if you’re watching your house burn down. Or if you get fired from your job. Or you lose lots of money. Or you experience any other kind of unusual hardship.
Change can produce pleasure, but it can also lead to pain. It all depends on what your mind does with change.
Unikonics explains how some changes lead to pleasure, and some to pain. Understanding this process is key to getting the most life out of life, while avoiding as much suffering as possible.
Excerpt from Unikonics:
Life is change, and change brings pleasure. I know that some change seems to bring pain, but I’ll be getting into that later. For now, please try to set any mental protesting aside, and bear with me on the idea that change brings pleasure.
In fact let’s take it further and say that change and pleasure are the exact same thing. The more change you experience, the more pleasure you experience. Therefore, change is pleasure. Now, since change is pleasure, and since change is also life, then life, change, and pleasure are all the same thing. This can be written mathematically as follows:
You can use logic and play with the above mathematical equation. If life=change=pleasure, then life=pleasure.
If life=pleasure, then that means that life is automatically enjoyed.
Therefore, it is impossible not to enjoy life.
“What?!” you say.
Now it may be getting almost impossible for you to set aside your protests. Because while this may seem logical on paper, you know the practical reality. There are times when you have not enjoyed life. And there are changes that have occurred that you haven’t particularly found any pleasure with. In fact, some changes may have seemed downright miserable to you.
Indeed, change can be very painful at times. But this is covered under the second guiding principle of Unikonics, where you will see how change can sometimes lead to a decrease in your pleasure. I will be explaining that in more detail, in the next chapter.
For now, let’s remain focused on the kind of change that brings an increase in pleasure. It is this sort of change and life that is automatically enjoyed.