There are times in life when we must endure suffering due to no fault on our part - or so it seems. Life circumstances can appear terribly unjust. Naturally we question, "Why me? Am I wrong? It's not my fault!, Why do bad things happen to good people?"
Added to the many problems in everyday life, these situations can feel like the very definition of suffering. We may conclude that there is no God, question how to get inner peace, and how to live through such trying circumstances.
In the book "Whatever Has Happened Is Justice", Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dadashri offers spiritual guidance on how to resolve conflict of injustice inherent in life.
Dadashri provides profound insight into the law of karma, explaining who is "The Doer", who is at fault, and what is the cause behind every instance of suffering.
To attain an inner state of no worry, to begin to live in peace, or even to learn how to stay healthy amidst life challenges, this book will prove precious.
There is much more to the universe than what is described to us in the scriptures. The scriptures reveal only a fraction of what the universe is. The universe in reality is indescribable and indefinable. If the universe is beyond words, then how can one understand what it really is? The universe is so vast that it is incomprehensible. From my vantage point, I see the vastness of the world and am able to tell you about it
Nature is always just. Not even for a split second has it been unjust. Justice that prevails in courts of law may be unjust at times, but nature's justice is always just and precise. What is the disposition of nature's justice? In nature's justice, if an honest person, who has never before committed a crime, were to steal today, he would be caught immediately. If a corrupt person commits a crime, nature would spare him and he would go free.
Nature wants to protect the purity of a good person and therefore, it will never support him in any of his wrong doings. Nature will however, continue to aid and abet the wrong doer
and ultimately crush him to such a point that he will never rise up again. He will find himself in hell. Nature has always carried out justice. It has never, even for an instant, been unjust.
If you accept nature's justice and understand that, 'Whatever has happened isjustice,' you will attain liberation. However, if you question nature's justice, you will invite puzzles and suffering. To believe that nature is always just is called Gnan (true Knowledge). To understand things 'as they are,' is Gnan and to not understand things 'as they are' is ignorance.
When one man sets another man's house on fire, people will regard it as injustice, but in reality it is justice. If the victim accuses and condemns the perpetrator, it will be the victim who will suffer the consequences of injustice, because he is accusing justice of being unjust.
One man burns the home of another person. At this time if someone were to ask God, "God this man just burnt this man's home. Is this justice or injustice?" The Lord's would answer, "It is justice. The burning of the home is the justice." Now the victim reacts with violence. This injustice on his part invites further justice from nature, because he calls justice an injustice. Whatever has happened is justice.
Do not look for justice in this world. Wars, conflicts, and dissension in the world are a result of people's pursuit of justice. The world is entirely in the form of justice. It is futile to look for your own justice in it. Everything that has happened and everything that is happening is justice itself. People in their search for justice have established laws and courts, but they are foolish to assume that justice is found in them. One should simply observe what happens. That is justice.
Justice of the world and justice of nature is different. Justice and injustice are the effects of past karmic accounts but
people attempt to link their idea of justice with the account, and in so doing, they end up in the courts and exhaust themselves. If you insult someone just once, that person, in anger may lash out and insult you over and over again. Everyone may consider his reactions extreme and unjust. Where is the justice there? Justice is that you were meant to be insulted several times so you should regard it as a settlement of your past account.
If you had lent money to a friend's father, would you not try to recover it from your friend when the opportunity arises? Your friend might think it unfair, but this is how nature's justice operates. Nature brings all the evidences together in order to settle a past account.
If a woman keeps antagonizing her husband, even then it is nature's justice. The woman herself is bad, but she thinks that it is her husband who is bad. Nevertheless, the entire situation is nature's justice.
Questioner : Yes.
Dadashri : When you come to me with a complaint, I do not heed your complaints. What is the reason for this?
Questioner : Now I realize that this is justice.
Dadashri : "The fault is of the sufferer," "Avoid clashes," "Adjust everywhere," and "Whatever has happened is justice," are all wonderful discoveries of mine.
According to nature's laws, things will unravel in the same way in which they had been woven. If they are woven with injustice, the weave will unravel with injustice. If the weave had been woven with justice, it will unravel in justice. This is how events unfold, but people tend to look for justice in them. Why must you look for the kind of justice that is dispensed in law
courts? You are responsible for weaving it with injustice, so how can you find justice when it unravels? You will only arrive at the original number if you divide something with the number you had multiplied with. Everything that you had woven will be in a tangled mess, but if you grasp what I say, you will be able to untangle it with ease.