This is the fourth book in the Little Book Open Series. It reveals hidden truths and exposes existing lies about our civilization. It is the goal of this book to give an alternative to hopelessness and bring purpose back to our lives. Three main lines of thought are identified for elimination if our society is to experience a new Renaissance.
Changing Our Direction
It is my intent that we move into a new renaissance age where we can contribute to the arts, to the sciences, to the technology to the maximum of our gifting and desire. And in this section of my philosophy I want to propose a new society where we are allow to grow where our dreams take us and be rewarded for our contributions.
Unfortunately our society is the very opposite of this vision despite all of the commentary to the contrary. Right now we are not free; we are controlled by those who have the money to affect our lives, our opinions, and our very future. And we work for those people, both industrial and government, suppressing our dreams, burying our desires, generation after generation, slowly losing our neighbor society, our innovation spirit, our very identity. Our children will become their slaves, serfs for the nobles, with no rights, no history, and no importance.
We cannot allow this to continue. We can fight this and stop it in its track if we follow the few simple concepts that I’ll give you here. But this is going to be a shocking revelation since it’s a wake-up call. Most people don’t know that they have been lulled to sleep through the boredom that came from their enslavement. A great many are in the sleep of death where they can never be awakened. They will go through their daily routines but they will not watch a sunrise, listen to the birds sing, or give each other the gifts of love. And it’s possible that most of the older generation, my generation, are now lost but it’s time to start to protect the young.
In the following chapters I will reveal hidden truths and expose existing lies. In doing this I’m afraid I will hurt a lot of people. I would rather just talk to the young at this point and keep this book as a secret between us. Allow the older generations to keep their delusions. However I’m afraid I wasn’t given this choice and the time is very short.
So first I need to give you the truth about yourselves. You are not who you think you are; you’re more. So in the next chapter I’ll talk about the reality within; revelation knowledge. Then in the following chapters I will identify three main lines of thoughts that have to be severed if our society is to experience a new renaissance. One is the scientific concept of a godless universe, an atheist’s heaven. This is an idea which has been used to justify people’s actions for the last hundred years. It is the thought that there is no life but the present life and no future than the one you are living right now. Another thought is the religious concept of people doing God’s will through their own actions. This idea has been around for thousands of years where only a few people speak for God. The faithful do the bidding of the few to guarantee that they can live in the next life. The third thought concerns the self-promoters; the spiritualists who deal with angels and devils for their own selfish ends. This includes bankers, business managers, politicians, world leaders, and various others who know what I am talking about. These are people who have taken ideas from above to suppress people below. They have taken the sciences of economics and sociology, the institutions of banks and courts, and the authority of the rich nobility and government officials to create a new world of complications and separations for the general population. Here people have no life at all unless they are one of the insiders, one of the self-promoters.
And if you are one of these people read this book with trembling hands. For all of these actions have the same purpose, removing God from His creation. Keeping the truth about Gods love away from His people and thereby control us for your own selfish ends.