This is the third book in the Little Book Open Series. It provides a benchmark of the second book's theory against Newton's, Einstein's, Schrodinger's, Dirac's, and Maxwell's laws, theories and equations. Then it describes how awareness and order exists in the universe. It makes the case for Distributed Intelligence and conscientiousness.
Physical Theory
I have been searching for the key to understanding physics all of my adult life; the key that would unlock the mysteries of the Universe and would make everything simple. This was more than the combination of the four known forces into a grand Unified Field Theory. It was trying to gain a deep understanding of the nature of space and matter. Why some particles have a charge while others did not. Why did gravity only attracts. And what is anti-matter and dark matter? Except for a few people on the Internet I felt quite alone. Most people only cared for the what, not the why, and if they could use an equation then they were quite satisfied. Truthfully, I even have trouble with F=MA. How did the mass know to accelerate under the influence of a force? What I was looking for was to get beyond the mathematics.
Now physics has mathematics of a greater degree than any other occupation on Earth and this math is important. It is needed to make the physics useful. But physics also has a sense of wonder. And it is this wonder, the ability to open our minds to new ideas that has captured my interest. I wanted to see the new horizons. I want to know why things were the way they were. And I wanted to know what was true and what was not true. But I also found out that sometimes the thing that you were most sure of turns out to be false and you are forced into a reevaluation. And once you gained a new insight there is no going back. Things will never be the same again.
Painfully I have to admit that I never saw this as a problem. I just went on in perfect innocence, not seeing the damage I was causing other people on the internet. This is worse than criticizing someone’s religion, which no one should ever do. It’s personal. It turns out that the ground beneath our feet is even more personal. It will change our views of ourselves and it will change our future and our children’s future.
I have been on this quest for 38 years starting March 1970. At times there have been blinding revelations that left me stunned for weeks at a time. At other times there was the finding of the obvious puzzle pieces known for thirty years but never applied until recently. I realized now that I am quite dense. This is quite a story in itself, this blinds man bluff, but it distracts from telling of the wonders of the universe. So instead I’ll show the end view first and then tie it back to Newton’s, Einstein’s, Maxwell’s, Schrodinger’s, and Dirac’s laws, theories and equations. These are my benchmarks. If I can demonstrate that a single model of a particle can generate results consistent with these benchmarks then I will be satisfied that the key I was looking for has been found. And I know that other theories exist. I welcome others to bounce these ideas against them. We need all of the new ideas we can come up with if we are going to move out of the old 20th century way of doing things and enter the new 21st century.
Lastly I’ll show what I know of the new science. Of dark matter warp engines, of force fields, and energy enough to last us through multiple lifetimes. It’s all here. The science of space travel is within our grasp. A whole new future awaits.
Warning: If you are one of those people who does not want to know why, read no further. For I have come to the end of my quest and have reached a vision so profound, so enormous and so simple that it has taken my breath away. And it has changed my view of the universe. So come no further if you don’t want your universe rocked!
And one last thought if you are willing to go on. As an old man my thoughts are different than when I was younger. I thought I had all of the time in the world and I was going to conquer the universe. Now I realize as time runs out that it had nothing to do with conquering. Instead the universe wants to be understood as much as we want to understand it. We’re joined. And at times our concepts will change as our knowledge increases but we should never throw away the old. It stills a part of who we are and how we understand the universe. This is in the simplest way to state the theory of Ubiquity. Everything is interconnected. Everything exists and has value. And you are a part of it.