Nelson falls dangerously in love with Sandra and hopes to take things to a new level but his new and strange friend thinks otherwise about his girlfriend and Nelson finally sees the truth ... find out more on The Best Guardian
The cow gave him an easy time compared to the previous day. He couldn’t blame her since the family slaughtered her calf for dinner the previous day. He milked the bulky udder to the last drop and poured the milk into a large metal container. Njoroge despised his two cows that produced miserable quantities of milk compared to Mr. Foster’s dairy cows. He carried the container to the blue Leyland pickup and his boss drove off to the small local dairy.
“Mama wants you to slaughter two chickens since she will be hosting some guests for supper,” Wanjiru handed him a knife and returned to the bungalow.
Njoroge slaughtered two large roosters, plucked their feathers and gave them to Wanjiru at six pm. He walked back to his shack and warmed some left over tea as he rolled up his tobacco. The goats neighbored him on the right and the turkeys were on the left. The goats sneezed when they smelled his burning cigarette. He heard Mr &Mrs. Foster laughter as they welcomed their guests and rushed to his door so he could have a better view. Njoroge saw two white couples who were in the same age brackets as his master and they came in a white Land rover. He recognized the Chief’s vehicle and waited for them to get inside the house. Njoroge moved silently like a shadow and left the compound through a small opening he made for himself in the thorny fence. It was pitch dark since it was a cloudy night and he walked while clutching his penknife in case a wild animal would attack. He arrived a few minutes late and stood on the wall since the benches were full.
He told the group he had spotted the Chief’s land cruiser at his master’s house and Kung’u thanked him.
“They must be strategizing on how they will finish us!” Kariuki said in a terrified voice
“We will hit them before they hit us,” Kung’u told the group. Other members shared different pieces of information concerning the white men’s whereabouts and they adjourned an hour later. Njoroge did not have time to spare catching up with his friends so he ran back to Mr. Foster’s compound and crept in through his secret entrance. The Land Rover had gone and the Fosters were still awake. He got in his shack, unrolled his goatskin mat and covered himself with his old blanket. He woke up when the turkeys clucked and headed off to milk the cows. It drizzled for a while and the thick mist partially blocked the bungalow and the huge tea farm. Njoroge was used to the freezing temperatures at the foot of Mount Kenya since he was a native. As usual, he emptied the milk into the large container and carried it to Foster’s pickup. He walked round the bungalow and gently tapped the kitchen window.
“What is it? ”Wanjiru asked
“Give me some tea. It’s cold out here,” he replied
Wanjiru handed him a steaming cup of tea and a huge piece of Mrs. Foster’s left over bread. He thanked her and enjoyed his breakfast then continued with his chores.
Adam Foster greeted the rest and sat beside Edward. George was glad everyone arrived on time and he commenced the meeting. The main agenda was how they could arm themselves in time before the savages attacked them. Patrick, the area chief had managed to give them each a pistol and a box of fifty rounds. Owen, the deputy chief told the rest he heard rumors that the natives met secretly at the Late Njuguna’s farm to plot their attacks.