Some business ventures can be quite risky, especially when they involve crossing the line between the natural world and the unseen realm. What happens to Kioko when he suddenly decides to make that move?
Excerpt from 'Illusion Versus Supernatural:'
"Why don't you give us your number and we will contact you next month for the end of term party?" the woman suggested while smiling optimistically.
"No problem," Kioko feigned a smile to mask his disappointment as he wrote down his mobile number then handed it to the secretary and left the reception. He walked down the rough cracked pavement that ended near the flag post then continued on the dusty ballast laid path all the way to the gate. Luckily, there was a bus waiting outside the gate and he boarded it to town then boarded another one that dropped him near the Kenya College of Accounts along the busy Thika Highway. He arrived at his tiny self-contained one room flat at a quarter to two pm and as he went up the small dimly lit steps, he was welcomed with several aromas of finger licking lunches emanating from different flats in each floor. He licked his dry lips as his empty stomach growled for the umpteenth time since morning. Kioko boiled some water in his electric kettle and made some black tea to quell his hunger then slumped into his old, faded and torn blue sofa. Kioko looked at the calendar and he was glad he still had enough power and maize flour to last him for the remainder of the week. His phone suddenly buzzed and he quickly answered it then grabbed his shiny brown jacket and his small black briefcase and hurried down the stairs.