This engineering book is an imperative tool for industry with the descriptions and examples of a calibration management system that has been proven and in use by multi-national companies, described in a simple easy to understand language, showing examples of documents that can be used in a quality document system. This calibration management system in this measuring book has been tested, serviving audit by different regulatory authorities.
If you are a provider of service or product then this measurement book will help you to take your quality systems to levels that can save you time and money, improving your methodology and giving you a clearer understanding on how to measure up.
In many cases measurements are made as a guide for approximating, therefore in this case the measurement is loose or not accurate, but we still have an expectation of a limit as to the uncertainty of that measurement. The degree of uncertainty is what we frequently determine (even in our minds) as acceptable. The level of uncertainty or accuracy depends on the purpose for the measurement. When manufacturing a product the quality depends upon its size or content, and any error in measurement results in something of poor quality or totally useless.
Every day we make measurements, yet, do we consider the accuracy of that measurement?
If you are a provider of service or product then this publication will help you to take your quality systems to levels that can save you time and money, improving your methodology and giving you a clearer understanding on how to measure up.
In many cases measurements are made as a guide for approximating, therefore in this case the measurement is loose or not accurate, but we still have an expectation of a limit as to the uncertainty of that measurement. The degree of uncertainty is what we frequently determine (even in our minds) as acceptable. The level of uncertainty or accuracy depends on the purpose for the measurement. When manufacturing a product the quality depends upon its size or content, and any error in measurement results in something of poor quality or totally useless.
The scope for making measurements is enormous, and most with wide-ranging consequence, such as Occupational Health and Safety, Hygiene, Product Quality and Product Safety issues. My background is engineering & engineering management in the industries of: Defence, Telecommunications and Pharmaceutical, so I have seen, experienced and had to sort the most awful “stuff-ups”.
This book outlines the methods for developing and maintaining your measurement systems, showing how to determine and apply acceptable limits, ensuring that measurements are applied and used with total confidence. The language used in this book does not mean that you have to be a scientist or engineer to understand the methodology; it is a simple guide that takes you through the different steps enabling you work and produce a quality service or quality product. Many of the steps you may have completed to some degree even just in the mind, but the contents show you what is required and the documenting of your procedures.
In the end you can have a measurement system that is structurally sound, that can be reviewed and modified at any time, producing a calibration management system that ensures timely corrective actions minimising errors and cost, and that will withstand audit. You will be able demonstrate by documents and documented history that shows, “what you do is what you say you do”, and “what you do meets the required standard”.
If your measurement is uncertain then so are your processes and products.
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Engineers Guide To Calibration Management