Within each one of us there is a healer. Healing has always been a way and a deep source of healing for me, says spiritual teacher and best-selling author Swami Dhyan Giten in this book. Healing is basically our own energy, which overflows from our inner being, from the meditative quality within, from the inner silence and emptiness. Healing comes from the silence within ourselves. Healing is pure love in essence. Love is what creates healing. Love is the strongest force there is. The sheer presence of love is in itself healing.
What is healing? The words holy, healing and wholeness originally comes from the same word. Healing is about returning to the original healing impulse that made us begin our inner journey towards spiritual maturity: the impulse to heal and to be healed.
Healing is the way of the heart. Healing is to open our heart. Healing is an invitation to explore what inner wholeness means to ourselves and others. Within each one of us there is a healer. Healing has always been a way and a deep source of healing for me. Healing is basically our own energy, which overflows from our inner being, from the meditative quality within, from the inner silence and emptiness. Healing comes from the silence within ourselves.
Healing is pure love in essence. Love is what creates healing. Love is the strongest force there is. The sheer presence of love is in itself healing. It is more the absence of love than the presence of love, which creates problems.
Healing is a quality, which we can freely share without any ownership. Healing is not something that we can claim as our own; healing is to be a medium, a channel, for the whole. Healing is about love - where love is, where to find it and how to develop our natural capacity to give love, to give caring.
This chapter is about returning to the inner dimension, to the soul. It is about returning to the inner source, which is always available within us and which is continuously nourishing, supportive and inspiring. But it is very easy to forget this inner dimension, because of practical things and the ideas, expectations and demands of other people.
This book is designed to create an understanding for how healing happens. It presents a new dimension of healing with a base in meditation. It is about a new dimension of healing, a new way of being. It is about helping people from heart to heart, from being to being. It is about developing the inner being of a person. It is to meet that which is already perfect within a person.
Instead of constantly trying to change ourselves and trying to become "better", this book presents a different vision: to learn to love and accept ourselves as we are in the moment. This book presents the therapeutic principles and awareness components that are basic in working with people from love and awareness. These therapeutic principles are the same independent if we are working individually or if we work with groups of people.
Healing is a medium through which we can develop our inner qualities of presence, love, joy, intuition, truth, silence, wisdom, creativity and inner wholeness. Healing comes originally from the silence within, where we are already in contact with the whole, with the divine. Healing is what makes us spread our inner wings of love and silence and soar high on the sky of consciousness and touch the stars. Healing is to be in service of God. Healing is to see another person with love and acceptance. Healing is to see that the person is exactly where he should be in order to take the next step in his spiritual growth. Healing is to see that which is already perfect within another person. Healing is to see the beauty within another person. It is an inner journey from the intellect, the dimension of logic, analysis and reason, to the heart, the dimension of unconditional love and acceptance, and to the inner being, the dimension of meditation, silence and oneness with life.