"I love this book, it will change lives."
- Deva Emanuel
"Giten is really a spiritual master of love and silence. He is a loving man, who knows the science of truth, love and life."
- Swami Prem Pathik, Nepal
"Swami Dhyan Giten'swords are thought-provoking, memorable and inspiring. From views on society and politics to thoughts on love and life." - - InspiringLizard.com
Spiritual teacher and Amazon international best-seller author Swami Dhyan Giten's book "Meditation: A Love Affair with the Whole" is a gift of love, silence , joy, truth, compassion, freedom and the divine, which can change your life. The book is divided into three parts: meditation, love and prayer, the highest love, which describes the entire spiritual journey. In the book Giten also challenges our views on political and spiritual organizations.
Swami Prem Pathik in Nepal says about Giten: "Giten is really a spiritual master of love and silence. He is a loving man, who knows the science of truth, love and life." Deva Emanuel, musician and participant in satsang with Giten says: "I love this book, it will change lives. Giten talks about deep subjects like God, love and truth with such simplicity. Satsang with Gitenis a beautiful spiritual flower." InspiringLizard.com says: "Swami Dhyan Giten's words are thought-provoking, memorable and inspiring. From views on society and politics to thoughts on love and life."
In this book Giten says that meditation is a state of silence, emptiness, no-mind, no-thought and no-desire. He says that meditation is experienced when it becomes a love affair with the whole.
Giten says that love is the criteria for how our meditation grows. Giten says that love starts with loving and accepting yourself as you are. The moment love becomes a flower of our being, our life becomes meaningful. Giten says also that love demands the ultimate sacrifice: the sacrifice of the ego. Unless you surrender the ego, love is not possible. Live according to your heart, living according to your love, live according to your truth, and you will never go wrong.
Giten says that when our love grows, a new experience happens, which is prayer. Giten says that prayer is the highest form of love, where we become one withthe whole. The greatest joy in life is to become part of the whole. To discover it is the whole purpose of life.
This book is a compilation of lectures from satsang with Swami Dhyan Giten between March 2022 and September 2023 in Stockholm.
Swami Dhyan Giten's quotes, articles and books have touched the hearts of thousands of people. The influence from his teaching and books continues to reach intelligent people and seekers of truth in virtually all countries in the world.
PART 1 Meditation,
Meditation is an Effort to Become Conscious, Meditation is the Greatest Adventure Into Your Being, The Art of Meditation, Meditation is the Door to God, Meditation: Thousand and One Flowers, Meditation: A Love Affair with the Whole, Meditation: A Real and Authentic Being, Silence: The Real Temple of God, Meditation: Celebrate Yourself, Celebrate Your Being, Mind is Old, Meditation is Young, Awakening. Love and Meditation, Love Yourself & and Watch, Meditation and Awareness, Silence: The Real Temple of God, Silence and Love, Silence is the Door to Infinity, Meditation: Being a Light to Yourself, Meditation and Resurrection, Life Begins with Meditation, The Dance of Life: The Eternal and the Deathless, Meditation is to find the Eternal, The Deathless, Meditation and Resurrection: The Beginning of a New Life, Meditation is the Journey that begins, But Never Ends, God is Everywhere, Love and Aloneness, Happiness is the Longing of Life, Meditation is Oceanic, Meditation: A Direct Connection With Existence, Meditation is a Conscious Search, Meditation means the Disappearance of the Mind, From Mind to No-Mind, Meditation and Egolessness, Peace is the Gift of Existence, Meditation and Immortality, Meditation: A Real and Authentic Being, The Meditator Needs a Strong Spirit, The Worldly and the SpiritualOrientation in Life, Be a Light to Yourself, Absolute Freedom, Live in Freedom, Meditators are the People of God, The Conditioning of Society, Meditation is the Way to Regain Your Freedom, Inner and Outer Enemies, To Possess the Other is to Destroy His Soul, Meditation is the Ultimate Key, Meditation: A Yes to Life: -The Essence of Meditation,-The Two Aspects of meditation, Love and Aloneness, -The Two Poles of Meditation, The Creative Male and The Silent Feminine Pole, The three Life Areas: Meditation, Relationships and Creativity, Society is Against Meditation, Society Hinders Us to Be Ourselves, Has Humanity been a Creative Addition to Existence?, Live in Freedom, A New World, A New Society, Organizations and Awareness, Be a light to Yourself, Follow Your Own Heart, The Meditator has to Become Conscious, Meditation: My Way in Life, Spiritual Organizations, Real Individuality Belongs to the Whole, We are All Part of Existence,Meditation is a Surrender to the Whole, Life is a Flow, Yes and No to Life -The Three Positions to Relate to Life, Meditation is the Journey that Begins, but Never Ends, Wisdom is to Be One with the Whole, Meditation is God’s Gracious Gift, Awakening,
PART 2 Love,
Love is the Essence of Life, A Love affair with the Whole, The Mystery of Life, Love Never Judges, Love and Accept Yourself AsYou Are, Love and Truth: From the Head to the Heart, The Three Dimensions of Love, The Heart is Givenby God, Love is a Flower of Our Being, Love and Aloneness, The Way of the Heart, Love, Joy and Courage, Love is a Higher Way of Knowing, Happiness is the Goal of Life, Joy is Our Very Being, Happiness is Our Nature, Happiness is the Nature of Existence, Intensity, Sincerity and Commitment,Love and Aloneness: Positive and Negative Relationships, Life is a School: Trust is a Must,The Fragrance of Love, Follow Your Heart: Listening to the Intuition, the Inner Guide, Love Makes Everything Beautiful, A New Humanity with Love in their Heart, Animals, Birds and Trees, are in Tune with Existence,Love is the Only Religion, All Good Things is a Gift of God, Happiness is Divine, Love Always Gives Joy and Happiness, The Ocean of God’s Love, Love is the Absence of Ego, You have to be Loving to All.
PART 3, Prayer,
The Ultimate Love, The Universal Spirit, Love Grows into Prayer, Prayer: The Mystery of Existence, Religion is the Art of Dissolving into the Whole, The Joy of Surrender, Silence is the Door to Infinity, Dissolve into Joy, Seeing God in a Tree, God is the Experience of Love, Truth and Joy, What we have Gained has to be Given, Love is Prayer, God is Happiness, Existence Loves You, A Disciple of God, Ocean of God, Prayer: The Ultimate State of Love, About Swami Dhyan Giten, Giten’s Books: Books that can Change Your Life.
Giten is quoted in the book 1.001 Pearls of Spiritual Wisdom together with Jesus, John Lennon, Deepak Chopra, Dalai Lama, Soren Kierkegaard, Anais Nin, Carl Jung, Rabindranath Tagore, Albert Einstein, Albert Camus, Rumi, Shunya Suzuki, Paulo Coelho, Rainer Maria Rilke, Lao Tzu, Deepak Chopra, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, John Keats, Anne Frank, Khalil Gibran, Henry David Thoreau - and most of the contemporary intelligentia in different areas: spirituality, psychology, education, philosophy, literature, politics, science, entertainment and music.