Life, Love, Joy, Truth, Compassion, Freedom and Grace
The people of the world need the fragrance of love. It is Giten's contribution to humanity.
- Swami Prem Pathik, Nepal, from the foreword of the book
Giten's words are like the 9th symphony of Beethoven. The Symphony No. 9, the final complete symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven, is regarded by many critics and musicologists as a masterpiece of Western classical music. The 9th symphony of Beethoven is dedicated to all mankind.
- Deva Emanuel, musician, from the foreword of the book
Spiritua lteacher and international bestseller author Swami Dhyan Giten's new and beautiful book "Man is part of the Whole" is embarking on the greatest adventure in life, which is our real destiny in life. We are to disappear as we are to become that which is our real destiny: the whole.
The book presents a great synthesis between love and meditation, which will create a new man, a new being, a new consciousness. The book is divided in three parts: Love and The Art of Living, The Art of Creativity and Meditation and The Art of Being.
Swami Prem Pathik writes in the foreword to the book: "The people of the world need the fragrance of love. It is Giten's contribution to humanity.", and the musician Deva Emanuel writes: "Swami Dhyan Giten's words are like the 9th symphony of Beethoven. The Symphony No. 9, the final complete symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven, is regarded by many critics and musicologists as a masterpiece of Western classical music. The 9th symphony of Beethoven is dedicated to all mankind."
Swami Dhyan Giten says that humanity is living in a very transformative period right now, which will end either in a major climate crisis, a third world war or the transformation of humanity. He wrote this book as a way to help humanity in this difficult period, and to help seekers of truth and meditators to live through this period.
In this book Giten presents The New Man, A New Being, A New Consciousness - Vision for a New Humanity, which is an invitation to the intelligent and creative people of this threatened world. The new man is going to be the salt of the earth, who is concerned with how to increase silence, joy, love, truth, compassion and creativity of life. It is a response to the report of the United Nations from the World Commission of Environment and Development "Our Common Future", which identifies the major issues threatening the future of the world.
The New Man presents a proposal for a viable humanity. It presents a diagnosis of the psychological and spiritual causes, which divides human beings into warring factions. It outlines the critical steps required if there is to be any future for humanity and the earth.
In a letter to the U.S. President Giten says that the past of humanity has been ugly. He says that earth needs the birth of a new man, who represents peace and brotherhood. It is the birth of a new man that can live at peace with existence. It means a new man, who can live in deep love, joy and creativity.” In a letter to António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, Giten says that humanity is suffering from a lack of love. He continues to say that all other problems arise out of this problem. War, poverty and conflicts can disappear within minutes, because they are not the real problem. They are symptoms that love is missing,
Giten says that man lives in a disharmonious way, because his effort is to live as an entity separate from the whole. He is trying the impossible, because he is part of the whole and can only be part of the whole. Giten says that when you know how to be harmonious with yourself, you can be harmonious with existence.
We are all small rivers on our way to the whole, to the ocean. Meditation is the only way to allow the whole to descend on you and take possession of you. Meditation is like a river disappearing into the ocean. Meditation means a river ready to dissolve into the ocean.
To be in tune with the whole is to say yes to the whole. To not be in tune with the whole is tosay no to the whole. And not to be in tune with the whole is misery. To live in tune with the whole is joy.
SWAMI DHYAN GITEN, spiritual teacher and international best-selling author, has more than 30 years of experience in individual counseling and in teaching awareness and meditation. Swami Dhyan Giten's quotes, articles and books have touched the hearts of thousands of people and are appearing with increased frequency in magazines, blogs and homepages. The influence from his teaching and books continues to grow and are reaching intelligent people and seekers of truth in virtually all countries in the world.
He experienced his first satori, his first glimpse of spiritual awakening, when he was 9 years old. This created a deep thirst and longing in his heart and being to return to this natural and effortless experience of being one with the Whole.
During satsang Giten has spoken about a large number of spiritual themes and topics that touch modern man, e.g. love, joy, relationships, acceptance, intuition, healing, trust, creativity, friendship, spiritual development, awareness, life, meditation, stillness, spirituality, mysticism, truth, wisdom, death, unity with life, God and enlightenment. He has also spoken on a number of spiritual teachers and spiritual traditions such as Vedanta, the Upanishads, Yoga, Tantra, Tao, the Chakra system, Lao Tzu, Patanjali, Buddha and Jesus Christ.
In 1982, when Giten was 23 years old, he was directed by the Divine presence in a trance session with the American trance chancellor Lin David Martin: “You have listened to your intuition, to your true inner voice, more than most. You have been searching for the contact with the Spirit for a long time and now it is beginning to manifest on the outer plane. You have been gifted many times in previous embodiments and now everything will come rather easy for you. I want you to put your energy into the lives of others, because you can”.
A spiritual teacher, who has counseled thousands of people, told Giten in 1984: “You will dissolve into the silence. All the earlier enlightened Masters and all the small Deva’s are just here to help you to get enlightened.
Swami Prem Pathik in Nepal says about: Giten is a blessed One. Giten is really a spiritual master of love and silence. He is a loving man, who knows the science of truth, love and life." Deva Emanuel says: "As I started studying for Giten, a new dimension of awareness has developed step by step, which has transformed my whole life." Brage Norin, professor in theoretical physics says: “The religious words the Giten formulates can make anyone mentally numb. These words create an inner stillness and a deep spiritual reverence for life. Giten has shaken me. I hope his readers discover his greatness." "The Salt of the Earth" - Lage Wedin, chancellor, Faculty of Psychology, The University of Stockholm, about Giten during his academic years at the psychologist programme.
In the Spanish spiritual website Expande Tu Mente Giten as also quoted on the topic Reflections from Spiritual Teachers together with Sadhguru, Eckhart Tolle, Ramakrishna, Jesus, Buddha, Vivekananda, Lao Tzu, Tomas de Aquino, Deepak Chopra, Yogi Bhajan, Rumi and Dalai Lama.
He is Amazon International bestseller author of the books Meditationens Sång: Om Meditation, Relationer Och Andlig Kreativitet, The Silent Whisperings of the Heart: An Introduction to Giten's Approach to Life, Presence - Working from Within: The Psychology of Being, The Language of Silence: From Darkness to Light, When the Drop becomes the Ocean: A Journey to the Divine, to the Ocean, Silence is the Way: The Teachings of Buddha - Golden Nuggets of Love, Truth and Wisdom, The Way, the Truth and the Life: On Jesus Christ, the Man, the Mystic and the Rebel, You are Already a Buddha: A New Way of Being, A New Way of Living, God is Everywhere: You are Divine, Everything is Divine, The Call of the Heart: Silence, Love, Joy, Truth, Compassion, Freedom, the Eternal and the immortal and a Heart in Touch with the Universal Heart and Meditation: A Love Affair with the Whole
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