Facilitation of small groups, in Prison Ministry*
The word 'facilitate' means to assist, aid, calm, cheer, moderate, regulate, run, promote, simplify, expedite, help, disburden, comfort, release and to still.
The opposite of 'facilitate' is to block, delay, prohibit, stop, hold back or to hinder.
The purpose of being a fabulous facilitator / small group enabler is to assist other organisations, leaders and learners - to work together toward one common goal - to uplift, edify and encourage a group of individuals that need healing or teaching in a certain area. Ultimately, what is imparted must be to the benefit of the ministry and all involved.
You as the 'learner' in this workshop, will take part in the healing projects in order to be able to impart what you learn to those you will teach in the future.
God would say to you today:
Thank you for your willingness to do my works, this ministry is not for the faint hearted. I would like you at all times to remember ‘to shed the rubber glove mentality’ when you deal with hurting people. It does no good to say ‘I want to help people’ if you approach them with rubber gloves on. I want you to get in there where Satan has left his grit, get your hands smudged and do it with commitment. Never judging nor looking down on anyone, but rather serving me in love, reaching out to a lost world. Bring them to my soothing, healing waters so that together we can remove the tears from their eyes. Allow me to use those tears to water the living words we have seeded into their hearts. The time for reaping will always follow the time of planting.
In your own eyes your work may seem trivial and small, but not to mine. Every extra mile and menial task I carefully note and your work will not been in vain. Thank you for your diligence to help and for lightening the load of my other children, by doing the mundane things many others would choose to ignore. When you are faithful in small things, I will use you for greater things… all that’s shattered will be mended, because everything I do is motivated by love. I AM… I have already prepared the way!
What will you have me do with those who hurt you? Search your heart and consider carefully. Shall I judge them strictly by their ways, or should I consider all preceding factors, their shattered hopes and dreams, their inner struggles, even as I have done for you? And what if they repent? You decide, I await your answer patiently… I trust you, because you know that my mercy triumphs over judgement! It is MY kindness that leads people to repentance. How I long for the day when you see how much I delight myself in you!