On a brief stopover in Las Vegas, Derrick Olin encounters a face from the past, and trouble is right behind her. Soon they’re on the run, pursued by a dangerous group of men with unknown intentions, save for one, getting their hands on The Asset. Outnumbered, but never outmatched, Birmingham’s Best Bodyguard quickly turns the tables and takes the fight straight to the enemy. And by the time they realize what they’ve unleashed, they’ll already be dead!
My plane touched down at McCarran International Airport just two minutes late at 11:33 in the morning. Not that the tardiness really mattered as I still had a little more than five hours to go before my continuing journey back home to the Magic City. Plenty of time to go stretch my legs, relieve my bladder, and grab a bite to eat because that yogurt and fruit cup breakfast I’d had back at the airport in Southern California was now completely forgotten by my tummy. First things first, though, and that meant my bladder.
I made my way into the terminal with the rest of the passengers from my flight and those deplaning from other flights at the same time, eschewing the closest men’s room in favor of the next one because I always figured the closest would be full. I found an empty stall at the end of the second row and went in, hanging my traveling bag on the hook on the back of the door as I felt the burn begin in my groin. I really had to go now.
The release was sweet, but almost immediately there was intense soreness, as if someone had spent the better part of a day yanking on my balls. Despite the discomfort, I had to smile, thinking that this assessment was not all that far off the mark.
I washed my hands at the sink while staring at my reflection in the mirror above. The charcoal suit was still in pretty good shape, despite being in its second day of use, and second day of flying. When I got back home it was going straight to the dry cleaners’ and my body was going straight into a tub of hot water. Damn was I sore!
There was a Burger King not far from the bathroom I had used so I turned in that direction. They now have the Impossible Whopper, which is a burger made without meat and designed to appeal to us vegetarians. I figured that would do the trick for my stomach right now, along with some onion rings and maybe a lemonade because the tea at BK is always way too sweet for this Bama Boy.
Of course, there was a long line, but that was okay, after my first flight of the day I could use some time on my feet, maybe work out some of the kinks in my sore body. Probably shouldn’t have thought the word kink either, given that the flight wasn’t the only reason I was stiff right now.
Okay, now I’m giggling to myself, people will begin to think I’m odd. Of course, they’d be right. Can’t keep from smiling either. Probably should stop thinking about yesterday and the reason for my quick trip westward.
Ah but I can’t help myself!
Yesterday was a great day, despite the discomfort I was experiencing right now, and would be for about another week. I could take solace from the fact that I wouldn’t be alone in that consequence, as I had not been on yesterday.