This science book is an insightful, understandable, and contemporary perspective on the largest scientific mysteries and provides insight into complex universe-related concerns. The book provides answers to questions about what makes up the majority of the universe, what existed prior to the Big Bang and what exists outside of our universe, whether time always moves forward, whether the universe is infinite or constrained by physical laws, the size of space, and the mass of the universe. This book takes us on an incredible journey through the past, present, and future as well as through physics, astronomy, and mathematics. It demystifies for laymen concepts like antimatter, quarks, black holes, dark energy, and the big bang and completely changes how we view the universe and its fundamental truths.
- GALAXY FORMATION in which the Milky Way Galaxy (consisted of ≈1011 stars) was Formed – TURBULENT FRAGMENTATION in which a Giant Cloud of Gas Fragments
- broke into Smaller Clouds, which later Became Protostars – MASSIVE STAR FORMATION in which a Massive Star was Formed. The star's gravity tried to squeeze the star into the smallest ball possible. But the nuclear fusion reaction in the star's core created strong outward radiation pressure. This outward radiation pressure resisted the inward squeeze of a force called gravity.
- STELLAR EVOLUTION in which Stars Evolved and Eventually Died–IRON PRODUCTION in which Iron was Produced in the Core of a Massive Star, Resulting in a Disaster called SUPERNOVA EXPLOSION in Which a Massive Star Ended Its Life by Exploding outpouring electromagnetic radiation over a very short period of time – STAR FORMATION in which the Sun was Formed within a cloud of gas in a spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. There was a mass limit to neutron stars. It was approximately about 4 solar mass. Beyond this limit the degenerate neutron pressure was not sufficient to overcome the gravitational contraction and the star collapsed to black holes. There was no mass limit to the mass of a black hole.
- PLANETARY DIFFERENTIATION in which the vast disk of gas and debris that swirled around the sun giving birth to planets, moons, and asteroids. Planet Earth is the third planet out − VOLATILE GAS EXPULSION in which the Atmosphere of the Earth was Produced – MOLECULAR REPRODUCTION in which Life on Earth was created.
- PROTEIN CONSTRUCTION in which Proteins were built from organic compounds that contain amino and carboxyl functional groups (Amino Acids) – FERMENTATION in which Microorganisms Obtained Energy by converting sugar into alcohol – CELL DIFFERENTIATION in which dividing cells changed their functional or phenotypical type and Eukaryotic Life had a beginning.
- RESPIRATION in which Eukaryotes Evolved to Survive in an Atmosphere with Increasing Amounts of Oxygen – MULTICELLULAR ORGANISMS CREATION In Which Organisms Composed of Multiple Cells emerged – SEXUAL REPRODUCTION in Which a New Form of Reproduction Occurred and with the invention of sex, two organisms exchanged whole paragraphs, pages and books of their DNA helix, producing
- new varieties for the sieve of natural selection. And the natural selection was a choice of stable forms and a rejection of unstable ones. And the variation within a species occurred randomly, and that the survival or extinction of each organism depended upon its ability to adapt to the environment. And organisms that found sex uninteresting quickly became extinct.
- EVOLUTIONARY DIVERSIFICATION in which the Diversity of Life Forms on Earth Increased Greatly in a Relatively Short Time – TRILOBITE DOMINATION In Which Trilobites (an extremely successful subphylum of the arthropods that were at the top of the food chain in Earth's marine ecosystems for about 250 million years) Ruled the Earth.
- LAND EXPLORATION In Which Animals First Venture was Onto Land – COMET COLLISION in which a Comet smashed the Earth – DINOSAUR EXTINCTION In Which an asteroid or comet slammed into the northern part of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. This world-wide cataclysm brought to an end the long age of the fossil reptiles of the Mesozoic era (dinosaurs)
- MAMMAL EXPANSION in which Many Species of warm-blooded animals with hair and backbones was developed – HOMO SAPIENS MANIFESTATION In Which our caveman ancestors Appeared in Africa from a line of creatures that descended from apes.
- LANGUAGE ACQUISITION in which something called curiosity ensued which triggered the breath of perception and our caveman ancestors became conscious of their existence and they learned to talk and they Developed Spoken Language – GLACIATION in which the formation, movement and recession of glaciers Began.
- INNOVATION in which Advanced Tools were Widely made and Used – RELIGION In Which a Diversity of Beliefs emerged – ANIMAL DOMESTICATION in which Humans Domesticated Animals.