In this free romance novel, peige has seen what love means. Her parents epitomize that word in everything they say and do. When she decided to become a surrogate for Blair and Foster Jordan, Peige fully understands love, not only for herself but she understands sacrificing your own happiness for someone you cannot live without. Will her love be returned or will she get her heart broken?
Blair had called Peige and asked if they would be available the next night for dinner. Genai confirmed it and told them to come to their house. The Jordans’ agreed and said they would be there at 7pm.
“Oh I’m so excited Foster, Peige is such a wonderful girl and her parents are so loving and caring towards her.”
“I agree. I did some background checks on the family and not only are they wealthy but they run the family business with impeccable professionalism. Their daughter Sofea is in Italy taking over her father’s business and studying to be a designer. She took her father’s line and added a few aspects to it and she kept the name of the line in dedication to him. Genai runs the business with Pierce and the entire family comprises of the board. The clinic has increased patients over the last 5 years and they offer a program for single parents, AIDS patients where the medication is free, an elderly care program where they send a doctor and a nurse weekly to old folks living alone and that also is attached to the Food for Life, whereby they feed homeless people in the area. Pierre is the youngest doctor on the island and at his age he is currently working for his father and the QEH.”
“Well someone has been doing their research.” Blair said oh so matter of factly.
“I had to, these people will determine the kind of child we have.”
“I forgot to ask how much you think we should pay.”
“Whatever they ask. Peige is a very young girl, it will be hard giving up the baby when he or she is born. We are saving money on doctor visits but I think we should compensate by donating the money we saved to one of their programs.”
“That’s fine but I want to do more than that, I will think of something eventually.”
“Okay. Here we are. I think this dinner will go well, the Cavellos seems to be really nice people.”
At 7 pm on the dot Foster and Blair arrived, Genai had insisted they not dress up, the aim was to feel comfortable with each other and not be all prim and proper. Foster was dressed in a pair of black hip hugging jeans, a pea green polo shirt and a pair of black Dockers. He wasn’t as muscular as Pierce but the definition was quite evident. Blair was dressed in a navy blue Capris pants, a red capped sleeve baby-T and a pair of Navy blue Ralph Lauren Charla sandals. Dinner was filled with questions from both sides and by the time they got to dessert, they were all laughing as if they had known each other for ages. Peige was trying to ignore the feelings she was harboring and as Foster spoke of his life and business, she wanted to be a part of that life. Foster spoke to her directly and many times she blushed before she could answer.
“Peige, what made you decide to be a surrogate?”
“P….pardon me?”
“What made you decided to do this? It’s risky, costly and you will be required to give up your child. We need to understand the reasoning behind your decision.”
Peige took a deep breath.
“There are lots of couple out there who will never have children biologically. I’ve seen the desperation and how it tears families apart. Young couples and older ones as well. I look at my parents every day and I realise how blessed I am to be here. My big sister Sofea has a different father and Pierre has a different mother but the one thing that binds our family together is love. It doesn’t matter how we got here, what matters is that our love for each other is real and nothing can matter more than that. I know it will be hard emotionally giving up the baby but if I can bring even a little bit of that love by giving someone a child, I would have done something great.”
“Well……….. If I wasn’t convinced before, I am now and I can speak for my wife when I say we will be the happiest couple on earth.” He reached for his wife’s hand and squeezed it.
The conversation continued to flow nicely but at one point Peige excused herself to go to the bathroom, what she really wanted to do was get away from everyone and collect her thoughts.
“You can’t have these feelings for him girl, this is wrong on so many levels. You need to get a grip and do what they are paying you to do.”
Peige washed her face and went back to the dinner table. Genai witnessed what the others were totally oblivious to. She put Peige in a seat where she could keep an eye on her and she was right. Her daughter was sneaking glances at Foster. Genai could see major issues very soon. She glanced at Foster and his wife, she could see they had the kind of love she had with Pierce. Then she laid her eyes on her husband. The love of her life and her saviour in so many ways.
Dinner concluded and they were relaxing in the sitting area. Pierre had left to go out with friends and Genai was in the kitchen tidying up when the swinging door opened and Blair stepped in.
“Can I help? The conversation out there is higher than I wish to go.”
“Sports, cars and anything with buttons.”
“Yes, I don’t know how Peige keeps up.”
“She takes after her father and her brother. Here you can rinse, while I dry and put away.” Genai handed Blair the dish brush she was holding.
“I like your daughter and don’t think I don’t realise how she looks at my husband.”
“I’m sorry Blair, I can’t encourage this.” Genai spoke softly but continued her chores without falter.
“I don’t have a problem with it, I love my husband more than anything in this world, he knew I couldn’t have children before we got married and he married me anyway. He is everything I could ever ask for in this life. I needed the woman that would carry our baby to care about him. I wouldn’t have anything less. The few women we were introduced just saw his looks and blatantly commented. One woman actually told him to leave me she could give him all the children he wanted. Peige tries to hide her blush when he speaks directly to her and I realise she washed her face.”
“You are a good woman Blair but I see nothing but trouble. She may not want to give up the baby after it’s born.”
“This baby isn’t about me Genai. You will understand one day.” Blair smiled sweetly.
Genai shrugged and the two women went about cleaning up the kitchen. They went back into the sitting area and joined the others. Peige was sitting next to her father and Foster was seated on the opposite side.
“I was just telling Pierce, I think Peige should spend some time with us and get a feel for how we live, he said if you agree, she can come over tomorrow, she would be with Blair as I have to go to work.”
“I can do that mom, if any of you need me I can always get Blair to drop me over.”
“That settles it then. We have to be going. Blair will pick you up in the morning around 10.”
They said their goodbyes and left.
Pierce and Genai were getting ready for bed and when Genai got under the covers, her husband sat up.
“Peige is falling in love with Foster.”
“I know honey get some sleep.”
“I’d rather make love to my wife.”
“I’m too tired and so are you, go to sleep.”
Two hours later. Pierce stares up at the ceiling while his satiated wife was resting in his arms
“Peige is falling in love with Foster.” He said in his most groggiest voice.
“We had this conversation already, Blair noticed it, so did I. Now go to sleep.”
“I agree this time, you wore me out.”
“That would teach you to listen to me.”
Genai heard snoring and smiled herself into a deep sleep.