Soja Meyers is a 36 year old married woman with no children. Her husband of 6 years, works 20 hours a day and making love to his wife is not a priority. He never lasts longer than two minutes and he never bothers to even try to satisfy his wife. She meets Nicolai Burke at a charity ball she attended alone and he just happened to be a sex therapist. As their eyes meet across the room, Soja feels her stomach tighten and her face flushes. When he is introduced to her, she knows she will end up leaving her husband. Nicolai teaches her everything she should know about pleasing her husband and he opens up a world of sexual options she never knew existed. Soja has been leaving out things about her marriage in her sessions and when Nicolai find outs, he can't leave her but her husband has other ideas and very dangerous ones at that.
After a wonderful party, Soja's parents came into the living room where she was cleaning up a few things.
"So, I see the Jacobs boy has taken a liking to you."
"He is nice, not ready to date yet but I did say I'd go out with him soon."
"We have to tell you something Soja."
"Are you feeling ill papa?"
"Sit sweetie."
Soja rested the broom on the back of a chair and sat down. Her parents remained standing.
"We have taken up too much of your life. We are ready to leave this world and all our pain. We wanted to wait until your 30th birthday but your mum is ready now and I can't live without her. I know this is hard for you to understand but, you need to live your life, we have had glorious years together and having you was the best thing we ever did. When your mum got pregnant at 15, we were so scared for your future but we did the best we could and we know you turned out okay despite the mistakes we made. We will be leaving next week and everyone thinks we are going on vacation but we won't be coming back. Our attorney has instructions to handle the legal aspect of our death. Everything we have is already yours. We do have one request and that is for you to find true happiness. Your mother and I found it twice. We love you with all our hearts, don't grieve for too long."
"I understand dad, I wish I had you for when I got married and had children but I know you have made up your minds. I will do my best to live up to your memory. I love you both."
"You are the best daughter we could have hoped for never forget that. Now, that you know our plans, we have a week to spend together and when you wake up that morning, we will have already left. Finish cleaning up and get to bed. Happy birthday honey pop."
Her parents ruffled her hair as they passed and went to bed. Soja was not sad or angry, she was glad her parents lived a good life, they gave her everything she needed and she couldn't be happier.
A week later Soja woke up and the house was quiet. They had left late the night before and took a cab to the airport, they never told her where they were going but that when they died the attorney would inform her.