There has always been a rule when it came to humans under the age of 16. Hands off, children are to be treated as children, no matter what. According to the law, children are not old enough to make decisions about s**, therefore any adult showing even the slightest bit of interest in a minor will attract the kind of attention no one wants. In small communities where everyone knows one another, it’s hard to see a young girl blossom into something else and not notice. There was something brewing in George Street and when it hit the fan – it will never be the same again.
Excerpt: "Three more years and you are mine."
"I was always yours."
No one knew about their relationship, they passed each other on the street with a hi and hello. Her parents owned 8 acres of land which they ran as a vegetable farm and when they wanted to see each other, they would leave a note in a scarecrow's pocket.
“Morning Doctor Williams, I hope you don’t scare any patients today!”
“I hope not, you have a great day!”
This was their sign and they never made a spectacle of it, just two people passing on the street greeting each other.
One day her father decided to strip the scarecrows and re-stuff them. When he found the note, he took his gun, gathered his brothers, and went to Cameron's house to confront him.
When Layna got to their spot, she waited and waited. The rain began to fall, and the tool shed was close by, so she made a run for it. The rain poured for half an hour and when she got back home, it was already dark, and the police were there. Before she could ask what was going on her father dragged her inside the questions began.
"Did Cameron Williams touch you? Have you ever been alone with him before? How long were you meeting him secretly? Answer me girl or I will beat it out of you!"
Layna never answered, she just stared her father in the face. He got so mad at her refusal to answer that he slapped her, her mother screamed and when he grabbed her by the neck and started to choke her, the police had to drag him off her and caution him about his actions. Layna never cried, she kept her head up and went to her room. Her parents argued through the night until morning. She woke up with a nasty headache and all she could think about was Cameron. She got dressed and got ready for school. She looked in the mirror and her father’s hand print was evident. On the bus she realised people weren't speaking to her, the driver looked at her like he saw road kill and the one person she thought she could trust, turned on her.
"So, Miss Perfect, are you going to tell us how long you ‘bin sleeping with the good doctor?”
"That Jillian is none of your business, I thought you were my friend, but I guess everyone else was right about you." Layna pressed the bell and got off at the next stop. School was another fifteen minutes’ walk, but she would rather that than be on a bus with hypocrites.
On her way she saw Cameron's car parked outside his office. She took a deep breath and crossed the street. She pushed the door to the building and made her way to his reception area.
When she got to the woman she knew as Marlene, she knew she made a mistake in going there.
"Good morning is Dr. Williams in?"
"He doesn't want to see you, go away."
"He is old enough to make that decision for himself, now either you let me see him or I will tell everyone that you sleep with my uncle whenever his wife goes away on business."
Marlene opened her eyes wide and with a nasty look, she pointed to Cameron's door. Layna pushed the door and when she saw Cameron her heart broke in a million pieces.
"What did they do to you?"
"Laynie you shouldn't be here, if they find you here, they will kill me next time. Your father and his brothers, they said I raped you. Without even trying to find out the truth. I can't see you anymore, your father threatened to beat you. I'm sorry things turned out this way, but you have to go."
"I love you Cameron what am I supposed to do now, how can I convince them that I love you and you love me? Why does age have to be a factor in how we feel?"
"I'm leaving Layna."
"What?" She whispered as the tears began.
"All my patients canceled their appointments. I've given Marlene her severance and I will be gone by tomorrow."
"Tell me where you are going so when I turn 18 I can come find you."
"You will find someone your age and forget about me Layna."
"I won't, I don't want anyone else, take me with you Cameron, please."
"I can't, now you have to go before anyone sees you here."
Layna ran over to Cameron, hugged him and held on for dear life.
"I promise if you wait for me I will come when I turn 18."
Cameron shrugged. He took a piece of paper and wrote his new address on it. He took out an envelope from his desk, put the paper in it and handed it to her.
"When you turn 18, if I have to leave there, I will leave a forwarding address. Go now Laynie please!" He pushed her away.
"Bye Cameron, I love you." She whispered loud enough for his ears. Then she ran to the door, opened it, ignored Marlene and ran outside. She ran all the way to the school.