Book one in the Bounty Hunter series.
2388 AD - The galaxy's most depraved lord of doom is back, and he knows the secret location of the Palace of Amino. Only the awesome bounty hunters can save the palace from certain destruction.
To one side, the stars, distant and silent, littered the perfect blackness of space, each one different, and each one with its own distinct hue. To the other side a total void reigned, the glimmer of faraway galaxies too dim to be visible without the aid of some high-tech device. This was the very edge of the Milky Way galaxy.
A dark shape, barely visible, drifted menacingly through the vacuum and edged its way efficiently across the galactic rim, its thick and heavy armourment glistening solemnly in the starlight. It was the Blenheim, an Annihilator ninety-one class star ship of immense power, awesome design and as large as a one thousand seater cinema. Its engines pulsated with a gentle shade of amber.
“There’s nothing out here.” Peter the Ace said, looking at the view screens. He was a bounty hunter of extreme strength and cunning – a formidable humanoid specimen, and he was sitting lazily in the sumptuous command chair on the Blenheim’s luxury bridge.
“I think you’re right.” Panman agreed. Panman was another bounty hunter of extreme strength and cunning. “I wouldn’t have expected Lawrence to station his unholy army of the night here anyway; he usually likes to be near the depraved gambling planets of the Odious Sector.”
Lawrence was a particularly sinister and heinous piece of work. He regarded himself, with some justification, as the most horrible and depraved being in the known universe. His legions of foul smelling ogres drove fear and disgust into the hearts and lungs of all who encountered them.
“I don’t know why we bothered coming out here in the first place.” Justin said, entering the bridge. He walked over to Peter the Ace and Panman and handed them the drinks that they had ordered.
Justin was a trainee bounty hunter. This was his first time on a real mission and he was very excited about it.
“We came out here because the Superior Beings of the Great Hall of the Palace of Amino ordered us too.” Panman said, taking a sip of his Delirium Gut Cleanser cocktail. “Ever since we found out that Lawrence was still alive, bounty hunters have been searching for him.”
“The Superior Beings must be thick!” Justin said, walking over to a nearby view screen. “The only inhabited planet this far out is Quagmir. It’s completely covered in decaying bogs and populated by hairy rectons, the only creatures in the galaxy with the ability to synthesize shit from thin air!”
Peter the Ace downed his glass of bubbling Whisper Ale. “Justin’s got a point,” he said, burping quietly, “apart from the ‘thick’ comment, that is. Maybe we should try somewhere different.”
“Where?” Panman asked, taking another swig.