Thoughts flux!
This not an autobiography! Neither narration of history! Mear notes from memory! Sequence of thoughts! What comes to memory, noted and noted in the order it comes! Chronology has no relevance here! Many things might have been omitted! Memory might err! In pressure of emotions, mind might have wavered! There might be deficiency in capability of handling the language! The immensity of incidents might have yielded to monotony! Nevertheless felt, this and that, many things exist to be written! Wrote! That’s all! The wonder is that, I was, with courage and without quaver, able to face all the crisis! When a problem crop-up or when a handicap occurs; the question “How, and in what way I should proceed to meet the situation?” that immediately arose in me, is what actually prompted me to arrive at a solution! Life, mine is one in which every day, I had to face problems: oppositions, hardships, selfishness of others, superstitions, disatisfaction of others, thus crisis a lot! Whatever crisis happens in life, we must be able to acquire the ability to face them with courage and with mentality unwavering! If one thing doesn’t materialise, leave it! We could get another thing materialised! Be satisfied with that! Almost all of my writings elucidate broad minded scientific mentality to the brim! They are the revelry of wealth of ideas for thought!
Here and there I have given a few quotes which I like. It may contain what you like and what you may not like. But please don’t stop reading when you confront something you may not like. Patiently, continue reading till the end. There may be items you may adore, ahead! Then think, think and think again!