The book contains Poems and BHARATHi script for all Languages.
From the book:
Places of worship unnecessary
Academies are what are necessary
Oh! Friend! Isn’t it now clearly established!?
Can have academies, they provide knowledge,
In cases of emergency can give shelter too!
Venerable are orphanages, they give maintenance
To refugees, so permissible whole heartedly!
Today, to humanity, what uses do
The places of worship provide?
At least from hither, stop construction
Of places of worship, instead let blossom
There, hospitals and academies!
Once annihilating the virus is over
Monstrous their exploiting and profiteering mentality!
You booby Man, forget the winsome spell of religions’
Liquor an intoxicant, religion still more terrible intoxicant!
In case if they both attack the brain, sobriety will fail,
Tenor will halt, killing will start and life will get extinguished!
Loving e*******s, great waste, proved! Rest predicament!
Where are those exploiters, went where in hide, those sorcerers?
Other than those who extract income and other than those
Who exploit position and fame, care of the shade of the almighty!
Who else do benefit by the bewitching places of worship!?
Awake at least now, isn’t it proved beyond doubt
Prayer won’t yield result! Embrace glittering actuality!