A collection of human observations in prose and verse. From the naming of male and female humans to exploring man's mistakes, religious pursuits and misbehaviours.
From the book:
Words ‘female’ and ‘woman’ are coined from ‘male’ and ‘man’! Why
When ways for creation of independent words, exist aplenty?
Why then choose the nasty way of coining word for the fair sex!
Want to degrade, keep them always dependent of the UNFAIR sex!
When ENGLISH can change ‘Chairman’ to ‘Chairperson’ to appease a few
What hangs on preventing creation of words independent anew?
Why can’t when there exist words scientific that decides the two sexes
Word ‘XX Chromosome’ and word ‘XY Chromosome’? It really vexes!
Wonderful aren’t the words ‘XOME’ for the ‘girl’ and ‘YOME’ for the ‘boy’
When we leave the word ‘Man’ to mean only ‘the human community’!
Wake up lovers of ‘English’, take the pledge you will use only indiscriminate Word ‘XOME’ hereafter to represent the fair sex. Why can’t we expedite?!
If asked ‘What’s the greatest blunder on the earth?’
It is nothing but, the creation of horoscope at birth!
Does the mental agony or cheer it brings out, worth -
A name and symbols are given to particular cluster of stars!
Only 12 clusters then known were fortunate to get the farce!
Baby born between March 21 and April 20, gets ARIES
And that born between April 21 and May 20 gets TAURUS!
So on it goes, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, in toto!
Awarding clusters of stars, influence Man, has no clarity!
For arguments sake even if it is admitted that gravity
And magnetism does have influence on Man’s health
What they have to do with Man’s fortune and wealth?!
More than 150 globular clusters are known in Milky Way -
Galaxy, abode of Man: but, why only 12 clusters have a say?!
If closest cluster, even though 4.25 light years away, influences - The fortune and wealth of Man, really the wonder enhances!
Not at all possible, ever, predict the future of any individual!
It isn’t something prepared in advance, to happen, sequel! Astrology is rejected as pseudoscience, by scientific community! Explanatory power nil, to describe universe, so no scientific validity! As past, present, future knowing astrologer, cheats Man incessantly: Horoscope manufacturing, should be banned immediately?!
Numbers are invented by Man! Considering particular number Unlucky, is nothing but a kind of phobia and is a mega blunder! Black cat crossing athwart your way, can’t thwart your venture! Lizard tunes or its falling, gives no indication of the future! Sorcery can’t solve your problems, face them courageously! Incantation incapacitates innumerable Innocents, intensely! Prophesying, by manipulation of cowries, is criminal guilt!
On the vying vulnerability of The Superstitious, it is built!
Claim, lines on palms are indicative of fortune, health, wealth,
Past, present, future, education and employment, is stealth!