All that is discussed in this book is intended ‘FOR THE BETTERMENT OF MANKIND!’ all over the World! The thoughts, on diverse subjects, are very serious, which invite the immediate attention of humanity everywhere. For, at the spot reference, and for the sake of authenticity, many items collected from different sources are reproduced as it is, to arrive at conclusions! So, sometimes repetitions might have crept in! This may be a new form of writing, compilation used for conformation! What the author wants to say are given in italics. With apology to all those concerned for the quotes used in this book, which is not for sale but for free distribution to all!
Status of the Infant.
The infant too is an independent being! Another complete individual! Infant the individual is not a ball in the hands of the parents for their ball-play pleasure of likes and dislikes, in accordance with their fascination and capricious thoughts! This world will get refined only when Man becomes ready to honor the individuality of the individual ‘infant’! Sure! It remained a part of the parents, only till it was born! At delivery, with the severing of the umbilical cord, the blood relation terminates! Didn’t the fact that the blood-group of a lot of offspring, seen different from that of the parents, doubtlessly enunciate this matter?! To the parents having ‘AB’ and ‘O’ type blood group; offspring may have ‘A’ type or ‘B’ type blood group! It is affirmed that both these two types are entirely different from that of the parents!
My argument, my doctrine is that the parents have no right to inject into the
tender hearts: the beliefs and superstitions of the parents!
What right do the parents have to determine in advance, that, the ‘Future’ of these immature children: should wilt even in their tender days?!
Can you the so-called mothers and fathers, establish that, if these children were not eradicated in this way, but permitted to flourish, to blossom: many among them would not have attained the position of great, perspicacious scientists; conscious shrewd tactful administrators; very intelligent judges, major adept doctors and so on?! Aren’t by these ignorant, imprudent, that fortune repudiated to the mankind as a whole?!
Don’t teach the offspring any religion! On the other hand, if adamant that they should be taught religion, then teach them all the religions and the facts and reasons for atheism! When they grow up and acquire the ability to think and take a decision themselves, let them select what they want! If the earnestness shown by the parents to thrust upon the offspring their own religion had been shown in teaching them science, this world would have been a better place very long back! Along with mamma milk, aren’t superstitions too, thrust wedged into and destruct the future generations?!
Article One of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”