From the book:
Great men few saw, sufferings, ignorance,
Immoral activities and violence
Of man, and wanted to enlighten them.
Dedicated they their lives to teach them
Morals, good deeds, helping, mentality
And loving each other humanity!
In due course, Man started them worshipping
And transformed them into God in the making!
Time elapsed, some were upgraded to status
Of full God, rest kept Semi-God status!
History tells, Buddha, Christ, Confucius,
Muhammad, Mahavira and Moses,
Mikado, Nanak, Rama and Krishna,
New one in Kerala, Narayana,
Were all human beings, with ideals great.
Religion new, opportunities great
For new priests, so priesthood yearners do split
Religions, like politicians do split
Parties political, to turn leader
And to grab minister-ship to plunder!
Which God of which religion gave warrant
To religion to split into different!
Kind ethnic and sectarian groups, kindling
Animosities: licensing killing?
When did God ask, believers to form groups
Roman Catholics, Protestants and such flops
To mar the Christianity: Buddhism.
Into Hinayana and Mahayanism;
The Islam into Shiya and Sunni;
Hinduism into lot of castes funny!?