An eclectic collection of poetry written within a general mythopoetic framework. 235 pages. Notable poems: Arbeit Macht Frei, Night in Apocalypse, Her Absence, Chasm to Hell Opening in the Mind of Rodin, Juvenescence, Artemisia at Morning, among others.
Sample Poem:
Melancholy, I lay down with you
I pry my heart open like a
freshly peeled orange
"What's happening?"
whispers a strange voice
I smile before saying wistfully, happily
"I think I'm dying"
In your crisp clean bed,
the promise of
such beautiful dreams
Even as I can feel the knot in my head
filling with blood
Today I saw the completed jigsaw puzzle
of my honest self
and I was slowly picking it apart,
one piece at a time
Oh God, it would be frightening
if it wasn't so inevitable
Beneath these pastel clouds
glowing with the colors of the master's palette,
I dream that I am awake
And sleep into my annihilation